Sunday, November 28, 2010

Extra Credit Assignment- Blogs

     Before taking RTF 305 I have not written previous blogs.  There were several positive aspects of writing the blogs throughout this course.  For instance, the blogs allowed me to be more focused on the key points of the material in the course.  I was able to express my own opinion over the main ideas and was able to share my input with fellow classmates by using the blog website.  The prompts given by our T.A’s were straight forward and easy to comprehend.  In doing so, I did not come across any difficulties in using the blog.  When I did have difficulty finding sources of information in order to answer the blog prompts, I was able to read other peoples’ blogs in my classes which allowed me to see what directions they took towards answering the given prompt.
     One of the types of blog prompts that was more interesting and less difficult were prompts that focused on key historical points in the film world.   These prompts seemed to be the most interesting because they covered issues dealing with how the use of film evolved over time.  For example, the fifth blog assignment dealt with understanding how a studio system functioned.  After almost completing RTF 305, it is easy to understand how important it is to know about the history of Hollywood, and what stages Hollywood went through to become what it is today.  The power points created by our instructors were extremely helpful by providing me with sources of information over the main ideas of the material covered.  The availability of this information made it much easier for me to complete the blog assignments accordingly. 
     One thing that could be improved in the blogging experience is to focus on more prompts dealing with types of film in today’s world, such as the growing market of independent films.  It would be interesting to analyze how independent film makers strategize and produce low budgeted films.  Yes, you can use my blog in a paper or report.

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