Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blog Assignment #2- Cultivation Theory

     There are numbers of examples in which demonstrate the relations between the media’s worldview and real-life experiences.  A term that clearly defines these relations is known as cultivation theory.   “Cultivation theory argues that mass media exposure cultivates a view of the world that is consistent with mediated “reality” (Straubhaar, LaRose, Davenport 417).

     For example, a survey was given to tabloid news readers and broadsheet news readers.  A tabloid is a smaller, local, newspaper that covers entertainment.   Crime stories are included in these newspapers a long with gossip columns.   While broadsheet newspapers consists of a much larger format which covers more news rather than just entertainment.  The survey showed that 43% of tabloid readers believe crime has increased greatly over time while only 26% of broadsheet news readers believed so.  The survey also pointed out that tabloid readers were more than twice as likely to fear being mugged as broadsheet readers.  This example clearly shows the concept of cultivation theory due to the view created by the mass media on the tabloid readers.  Furthermore, there seems to be a correlation between the exposure of violent crimes on tabloid readers, and their real-life views/experiences of violent crime.  While on the other hand, very little exposure to violent crimes on the broadsheet readers caused them to be less affected by the media's world view.  Since the fears of being victims of crime increased significantly on the tabloid readers compared to the broadsheet readers, the tabloid readers’ real-life experiences confirmed the media’s view of violent crime.

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